duminică, 17 octombrie 2010


You are the owner of you own happiness.
There is no one there for you to make you happy.
Also please pay attention that your happiness may not ruin the other ones happiness.
The true sources of happiness is inside you. It is up to you to discover them and use them every way you can.
You can have as many sources of happiness as you want to have.
Some of the sources I will present in the next lines can be short-term happiness, but most of them are about long-life sustainable happiness.
The order is based on randomness and linking of my own thoughts. It is not a top or an importance/priority element.
Here it is: 54 Sources of Happiness

1. Do what you like
Allow yourself for few moments to do whatever you like. Doing what you like gives you the feeling that you can fulfill your desires. And this is one of the great sources of happiness.
2. Do what you think
This means to just start doing whenever you are thinking at. If you think to jump, just jump. If you’re thinking to say to someone something, just say it.
Do whatever, whenever without judging and just pay attention to the laws and not cross-passing the freedom limits.
This means you are walking the talking and putting your actions where your thoughts are.
3. Drop the social mask
Drop your social mask for a second and just behave like you feel. Try to be natural.
This means if you don’t want to do something, just simply don’t do it.
It will for sure increase your sense of autonomy which is one of the sources of happiness.
4. Goal accomplishing
Each time we are touching a goal, marking a milestone, finishing something we live the feeling that we count.
Star with a small goal and finish it. This will bring you satisfaction. And satisfaction is another key of happiness.
5. Doing something for a dream
Do an action toward one of your dreams.
No matter how big or small it is, it will bring you happiness just because you’ve just started to move closer to what your are dreaming. Sometimes we can find happiness when we are on the road to one of our dreams. And sometimes the road brings much more than the destination.
6. Listen to your inner-self (listen to your instincts)
Listen to your instincts. Until now, our instincts bring us so far for thousand of years.
Listening to them means you are giving attention to yourself and you’re putting your actions on the same side with your unconsciousness mind, with your inner-self.
Making this alignment, bring into our lives the equilibrium to enjoy life and feel good.
7. Respect yourself
Respecting yourself is one of the ways to increase self-esteem which make you also feel good and gives energy to enjoy every day. Also respecting yourself, makes others respect you and opens the communication.
8. Allow yourself to be complete
Allow yourself to be complete. This means to accept that from time to time you can behave either in a good way or a in a bad way. Actually means discharging the judgement to put each action in one of the piles: good or bad.
Allowing to be complete, means accepting you and your actions and gives you the power to evolve and feel safe about everything you do. And when you stop judging your actions, then you eliminate the little voice that makes you feel like crap from time to time.
9. Don’t take things too seriously
If you want you can transform each event into a joyful opportunity. Imagine how they look into a new light.
What if the people around you were green or purple. What if they all have mustache or wear funny pants
Just add a piece of joy to your current picture of life.
10. Be aware of the choices
Be aware that you always have choices, possibilities, opportunities to learn, to evolve, to understand.
Being aware of your choices means to have an increase feeling of autonomy, of the fact that you are creating your life.
And this is a strong feeling of happiness, as it give you the power to create whenever you like in your life.
11. Know yourself
When you know yourself, what you want, what you desire, when you feel good, when you feel bad. When you’re in the mood. Then you can recreate each time you want the proper conditions to bring joy and happiness in your life.
For example, for me just writing this article down, makes me happy. Cause I will have a written tool to bring happiness in my life.
12. Smile
There are tons of materials about smiling. Just remember one thing: you can smile no matter where, no matter what, no matter how you feel. Cause even a face smile, can generate a real one. And smiling is one of the best happiness moments we have. Or just look at someone who is smiling.
13. Laugh
So when you want to bring your happiness to the highest points, laugh.
You can just start to fake a laugh and then laugh about your fake laugh.
This works almost every time. Or watch comedies, read a funny book, read some jokes, tell a joke. Whenever makes you laugh and then try to re-create the same moments later on, by yourself. This way you will have the choice to laugh whenever you want. Or just look at someone who is laughing.
14. See the potential in you
Each time I discover I can do something I didn’t think of, I’m happy. Try to see what you can do and you didn’t think of.
Whenever you are discovering something that you can do, it will increase your happiness as result of discovering the wonder you are. I for example just learned how to juggle. Try it yourself.
15. Look at a happy person
Happiness is a contagious feeling. The same way smiling and laughing is.
Just look for a couple of moments to the face of a person who is happy and you will start to feel the same way.
It works due to mirror-neuron. It is the gift we have all to copy the feelings of others by mirroring their facial and body language.
16. Being aware that you walk your road
Walking your road, being aware that your are on your own path, feeling the sense of your existence is one of the key ingredients of happiness. It triggers the satisfaction and well-being feelings and rise up your energy.
17. Doing your best
You don’t need to win every time to feel happy.
Just doing your best in each situation can make you happy. Cause it allows your greatness to become alive.
And when you’re great then the world is the happy place on the Universe.
18. Listen to the music
Listening to some music. Try with african music, try with classical music, try something energetic, something with rhythm.
The rhythm of the music can easily transform your inner-rhythm and can raise your level of happiness.
19. Meet with friends
Socializing is another key component of human behavior.
And inside a group of friends where the social barriers are lowered, the atmosphere can be joyful and happy.
Do some activities you all like. Share some memories, plans the future or just enjoy the moment you are in together.
20. Play games
Play some social games, or childhood games.
There are plenty of resources available on the internet or just asking around about such games.
These type of games are the ones that combines key components of human behavior (socializing) with alpha state of the brain. And this combination is one of the high power happy states you’ll ever have.
21. Write about yourself
Make a list of your strong points or your successes and how you got them.
Be your central character in the successful story of your life. Just pointing out the successes you had so far, give you a beautiful moment. It is happy to review and share (if you like) what you’ve accomplished.
22. Learn new things and play with them
Learn something new and then try to play with it.
Just play with what you’ve learned, tell your friends about it. Tell to the world.
Learning something new make you feel more in touch with the environment, with what is around you, with what exists in the world. Also it is a good exercise for educating yourself to be open to new and enjoy learning new things.
23. Watch a comedy
Just by watching a comedy your good mood increase and you can obtain a few moments of happiness.
If even does not matter how good or bad the other rated the movie.
Enjoy it, do not think at the IMDB rank, or Oscar or any other grades. Enjoy it and laugh as much as you can
24. Look for positive feedback
You know the persons who can give you a positive feedback.
Go for it. Ask for it. And as a tip, as for a written feedback. You can enjoy it multiple times later.
Reading a couple of positive feedback can be one of the top moments of a day or week or month
25. Explain what you do to your siblings
Most of the time they encourage you. And if one is not doing this, you can always talk with another siblings.
In most of the cases your family will behave like this. Maybe not from the first time, but eventually they will support you.
And when they do it, when they understand you and support you, then there is this unbelievable feeling, that you found your place in the world or that your existence has a meaning or whatever triggers your good feelings by being part of the family.
26. Wake up dynamic
Try to wake up directly. Without laziness, leave the bad and go up.
Try some small morning exercises. When you’ll finish them, they will definitively spike up your energy.
And being energetic in the morning makes the world shine with you.
27. Share what you know/what you’ve learned
Talking about what you know, what you’ve discovered or what you learned is transforming the past to a beautiful experience. Washing it and present it in a forms that awake the greatness in you.
Share with others. This will make you feel good, feel that you can make a difference. And you’ll do it.
Remember sharing is caring and what you’ll get back only by sharing it is precious. Enjoy the sharing.
28. Play with communication
Read articles/books, watch materials about communication. Go to some trainings about it.
And then start playing it in your daily life. A wonderful world will just open in front of you. Play with it, communicate and enjoy understanding what others are communicating.
Play with body language, with facial expressions, with your look or words.
29. Listen the personal stories of your friends
When someone is trusting you to share something personally, listen to it very carefully. Do not interrupt.
Most of the cases they will recognize your friendship, value it, no matter if they are saying this in words or not.
And knowing that you are a good friends, can be one of the reasons why you feel happiness.
30. Don’t plan a day
Take one day and don’t plan any second for it. Let it be with the flow. Do whatever comes. Do not hurry. Do not look at the time. Just be in the moments and this feeling will give you enough happiness to make the day special.
31. Plan a day
Plan each moment of a day and follow your own planning.
This triggers a feeling about being the master of your own life and it is as joyful as the number 30 – Don’t plan a day.
It is all about doing whatever you like yo do
32. Dance
Dance where you are. Did you ever tried to dance on the street? Or in the subway, or at the office or at home.
I’m talking about dancing for the joy of dance. Alone or with others.
And did you every tried to dance with closed eyes? Try it

33. Go on a trip in some new places
Discover new places and visit them.
And if you cannot leave your city, plan a trip even in your city and just enjoy the walk, the people around you, the nature, the buildings. Everything that’s new an comes in your way. I’m sure you can find some places where you’ve never been. Go there and visit them. Discover the wonders and enjoy them.
34. Help someone
Help a stranger. Help someone that needs a help.
Make some good to someone, especially without being seen. Keep it for yourself and the happiness will raise to levels where never been before. Say something beautiful to a stranger. Say you appreciate someone you encounter during your day. Or let a flower on a desk of a colleague. Or a picture with a smile. Don’t tell it is from you.
Or pay for a candy for the next customer in line
35. Call someone to ask how they are doing
Do this by simply saying: “Hello! How are you doing in the last time?”. Or whatever comes in your mind, but do not create motifs. Just say you wanted to catch up and see how they are doing.
Most of the cases they will be very happy about your call. If you cannot think at someone you didn’t contacted for a long time, call the first person you know and comes to your mind. Or send an email
36. Do some sport
No matter the sport you’re doing, it will raise up your endorfines. And they are can make you very happy.
Choose a sport and start doing it. You don’t need to become a champ. Do it for fun
It improves your healthiness!
37. Hug
Just hug someone. If you cannot do Free Hugs, then hug someone you know.
It is proven that hugging relax us and make us more happy. Hug someone right now!
38. Be the owner of your happiness
Think that you are the only one responsible for your happiness. Then make a list with what you think it will make you happy and depends only on yourself. And do the first thing on the list. See how you feel about it
When you know that your happiness depends only on you, then you already start to feel happy, only for that. Cause you can!
39. Eat some chocolate or some fruits
You can eat some chocolate or ice-cream of fruits or whatever you like.
Let yourself enjoy it, enjoy preparing it or buying it and eating it. No regrets attached!
40. Involve in social campaigns or volunteer at an NGO
Involve in life of society around you and trying to improve it, raise the feeling of being human and having a place where you belong. Also makes you feel happy because your are doing some good for benefit of the others. That you give something back to society.

41. Read some literature
Reading some literature, makes your imagination fly.
Read books you like, novels or anything that triggers your imagination.
Reading something you like makes time fly and it just means you’re in the moment, enjoying it.
42. Know someone people
There is a beautiful fascination when you’re talking and communicating with someone new.
It brings the wonderful game of childhood to discover the other by questioning, playing, asking, demanding or just sharing.
Getting to know someone new, it is an old ancient games and nature support it by secreting some hormons in our brains and make us not see defects. We are only noticing good parts in the other. And so is the other thinking about us.
You can play with your image, with your communication.
43. Remember happy times
Just by knowing that you’ve been happy a couple of days ago, it can be enough to make you happy now.
It is just that simple. Remember that moment and part of you will act like it is happing right now.
This is how our brains it is working and how our imagination it is working.
44. Breath, feel the air inside
Focus on your breath is it a good exercise to let go all the tensions.
No need to a special technique. Just breath deeply and focus on the air you’re inhaling and exhaling.
It makes you relax cause the oxygen invading your body brings new perspectives and remove the tension.
Try doing this outside, in the nature. In the middle of the flower. Or whatever place you like the smell.
45. Meditate
If you want to take to a level the breath, then do some meditation.
The feeling it brings, only by focusing on the meditation it is a deep, beautiful relaxation.
Get in touch with your inner-self, your body, yourself.
Making it often enough, brings a special state of happiness and perspectives on the daily issues.
46. Take a walk
Take a walk in one of your favorite park. Alone. Take a look of what is around you. The trees, the grass, the people.
Walking improves good health and in the same time rises the level of happiness by just being in the moment and in contact with the nature.
47. Be happy of being here and not therea
Just notice that you are here, in this particular spot or moment of your life. Appreciate it cause it makes you who you are, who you will be. It is part of you existence. And when you become aware of every piece that is part of your existence then you notice the happiness that lives inside every moment.
48. Love and let others love you
Love someone. Express your love. Feel your love.
And allow yourself to be loved. Accept the gifts, the talks, the sharing, the whispering, the touching.
Enjoy every sensation and everything will start to be part of your happiness. Every piece of the world, every step, every tree or leaf. You can fly and you know it!
49. Discover new sources of your success
Do not wait for a specific result. Just by getting a result it is a source of success.
Appreciate it and celebrate it as it deserves.
50. Discover a meaning of an event
When discovering a meaning of an event that happen to you, it is like you know that the Universe know about you and care about you enough to make that happen.
And what could be more joyful than knowing that a whole Universe did something to make that for you.
51. Learn a life lesson
Look to you past and try to discover the lesson from it.
And when you find one lesson, only one, you then know that everything that happen, it is not good nor bad. It was there for you to learn it and become the great human that you are today.
And you are great cause you just learn something from your own life. Apply it without any hesitation
52. Hope
Let the hope be in you. See the hope in the world.
Knowing that the future will be good can make you happy in the present.
I’m not for hoping with action, so use it carefully. And do something about it in order to make the happiness sustainable in your life.
53. Be spontaneous
Here is one definition I like about being: Do whatever, whenever, no matter of the consequences. This is true freedom to express yourself without any restrictions.
I’m not saying not to plan the place to be spontaneous or the time. Sometimes you need to do it in order not to hurt yourself, or hurt others.
Create the environment and go. Do it until you feel you are spontaneous.
54. You
Like I’ve said in the beginning, you are the source of your own happiness